Type Design Club is a learning platform that strives to promote inclusivity and accessibility to typeface design. The program was started by Aditya Wiraatmaja and Iqbal Firdaus and it has since held three workshops: two focused on Latin typeface design and the other on Javanese script lettering.
While our primary focus is on the Indonesian typographic community, we also seek to connect and collaborate with like-minded individuals and communities in Southeast Asia. By fostering regional connections, we aim to create a supportive network that enhances the growth and development of typeface design in Indonesia.
Our mission encompasses two key aspects. Firstly, we strive to encourage the teaching and learning of both Latin and local non-Latin typography, acknowledging the importance of preserving and showcasing diverse cultural expressions. Secondly, we provide a supportive space where participants can delve into the rich typographic heritage of Indonesia, creating an environment that values creativity, exploration, and collaboration.
As we enter our third year, we would like to express our gratitude to all those who have contributed to our journey. We extend our sincere appreciation to our instructors, guest instructors, writers, developers, and critics, who have generously shared their time and expertise with us. We would also like to thank the organizations that have supported us along the way, including Akaca, Further Reading Press, Glyphs, Grafis Masa Kini, Regular Italic, Graphic Handler, Cipsi Studio & Craff, and ADGI Jakarta.
As an independent organization, we depend on tuition fees and the generous support of our sponsors to fulfill our mission of promoting inclusivity and accessibility in Indonesia. Every contribution directly fuels initiatives like fair compensation and scholarship opportunities. If you share our vision, we invite you to reach out to us via email. Together, let's shape a brighter future for typography and design in Indonesia.
Web design and code: Joseph Adisurya
Typeface: Synonym

© Type Design Club 2024